Scaling & Root Planing in Hurricane, UT

Scaling & Root Planing in Hurricane, UT

Scaling and root planing can help to prevent tooth loss by stopping the progression of periodontal disease. It can also help improve your smile's appearance by removing stains and discoloration caused by plaque buildup. Additionally, it can improve your oral health by reducing the risk of tooth decay and cavities.  

At MountainView Dental, we typically recommend scaling and root planing to patients with moderate to severe gum disease. However, it can also benefit patients with mild gum disease at high risk for developing more severe symptoms. 

The Scaling and Root Planing Procedure

Scaling and root planing is a specialized dental procedure to treat gum disease and restore health. Before commencing the process, our dentist in Hurricane, UT, will assess the extent of gum disease through a thorough examination that may include using X-rays to evaluate the condition of the bone supporting your teeth. 

Scaling is the procedure's first phase and involves removing plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and root surfaces below the gumline. Our dentist will use specialized dental instruments, such as scalers and ultrasonic devices, to carefully and meticulously remove the buildup.

Root planing is the second phase of the procedure and focuses on smoothing and cleaning the root surfaces of the teeth. It helps to remove bacterial toxins and promotes the reattachment of the gums to the teeth. The dentist will carefully smooth any rough areas on the roots to prevent future buildup of bacteria and plaque. Antibacterial or antimicrobial solutions may also be used to irrigate the treated areas and disinfect the gums. 

After scaling and root planing, following a maintenance plan is essential to ensure ongoing gum health. Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and may recommend more frequent professional cleanings. Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine at home, including brushing, flossing, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash, is also crucial.

The Benefits of Scaling and Root Planing

Halts Disease Progression

Scaling and root planing in Hurricane, UT, are highly effective at stopping the progression of gum disease. By removing plaque, tartar, and bacterial buildup from tooth surfaces and below the gumline, the procedure prevents the condition from advancing to more severe stages. 

Preservation of Oral Health

This treatment helps preserve gum and bone tissue, reducing the risk of tooth loss in advanced gum disease. Maintaining your natural teeth is essential for proper oral function and aesthetics.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Gum disease often leads to redness, swelling, and inflammation of the gums, which can affect the appearance of your smile. Scaling and root planing can help reduce these symptoms, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your gums and teeth.

Scaling and root planing are essential steps in the battle against gum disease, imparting many benefits for oral health, overall well-being, and confidence in your smile. If you suspect gum disease or have noticed symptoms like bleeding gums or bad breath, visit MountainView Dental at 52 South 850 West, Suite 201, Hurricane, UT 84737, or call (435) 635-9471. 

  • 52 South 850 West, Suite 201,
    Hurricane 84737
  • Tel: (435) 635-9471
    • MON:  8:30 am - 5:00 pm
    • TUE:  7:00 am - 5:00 pm
    • WED:  8:30 am - 5:00 pm
    • THU:  7:00 am - 5:00 pm
    • FRI:  7:00 am - 3:00 pm
    • SAT - SUN:  Closed